Monday, August 10, 2009


Hello, hikers.
Here’s the art…

I admit it. I am a trespasser. It seems like all of the good nature hikes around here are on private property. Determined to find a legal solution to my indiscriminant wandering feet, I tried a public trail with my friend, Matt, that’s just a fifteen minute drive from here. It’s called Hart’s Cove, and it’s 2.7 miles each way to a beautiful view of the Pacific Ocean and several coves. Neither one of us has the best sense of direction, so the hike in was peppered with speculation about where the sea lions were that we could hear so well but not see.
“I think that’s the ocean there through the trees.”
“Are you sure that’s not just the sky?”
“It’s too low to be sky.”
Finally, we reached “the view” and all of our questions were answered about the way we had come. Here’s a picture…

There are a couple pictures of me that I won’t share. One out of focus snapshot looks like a sighting of Bigfoot, and in another I look like a Scotsman on a hill with my messenger bag and my sweater tied around my waist like a kilt. Oh, what the heck, I’ll show them to you…



The Rustic Victorian said...

Awesome pictures, I just commented on Jo's blog, I see where you were now,,but still don't know it personally,,,thought I'd seen all the coast it a place north of you?
( the Alabama transplant from Lincoln City)

grmybmy said...

It DOES look like a kilt...