I can’t hear you, but here’s a link to our art.
Jane DesRosier called us up the other day on an old invention called a “telephone”. Our phone doesn’t ring much these days. But when it does, it’s not like an email. You can actually hear the person’s voice on the other end. Jane’s voice said that she teaches art classes online, and she thinks it would be a good idea if we did too. You may know Jane better as Gritty Arts Studio.
Jane teaches online workshops and is encouraging us to do the same. This really is an intriguing idea to us. We like to pass on what we’ve learned about art…Jo is a natural teacher…and I have had a knack for making short videos ever since I took TV production in high school and did a short stint as a film major.
So, it’s officially on the to-do list…right after the five cheater quilt patterns we’re making…and my Paperhand Lincoln music video, which I’m very close to shooting now that my beat up antique top hat has arrived in the mail.
Jo refuses to let me wear it when I go grocery shopping with her…or by myself.
PS- Thanks, Jane, for reaching out to us!